Rahman shares video of 'Chekele' on Facebook, Twitter

Rahman shares video of 'Chekele' on Facebook, Twitter

by vijigermany

Rahman shares video of 'Chekele' on Facebook, Twitter

Chekele', one of the songs from the yet to be launched album of Sanjeev Thomas, lead guitarist of AR Rahman has gone viral after the Oscar-winning music composer shared the video on his Facebook and Twitter pages.

"Checkout Sanjeev Thomas's new song," tweeted Rahman.
An excited Sanjeev responded on the micro-blogging site, saying he was "honoured and humbled with ARR's share and comments on my video. From 4000 plus views on my video, it has leaped to 124,000 views," he said.

'Chekele' a folk song sung by Sanjeev, which has been released on Youtube, is about the harsh living conditions of farmers in 19th century Kerala and portrays their fear of poverty and the caste system.

It tells the story of two farm hands-- Chathan and Neeli, who are scared of the landlords fearing they would not be able to reach the farms on time and are also apprehensive of the damage to crops from the vagaries of Nature.

The song was recorded live at Springr studio, at nearby Mattancherry.
The National launch of the album-- 'Epic Shit', is being held at a gala function here on October 5. The album, consists of a Hindi song, two Malayalam and four English songs, and speaks about a journey of the mind. Besides Sanjeev, Sayanora, and Neethi Mohan are among those who have crooned some numbers.

Most of the songs are recorded live in the album. It has been a great amalgamation of musicians and technicians exploring a new and beautiful space, Springr CEO Abhinav Sree said.

Springr's vision was to start a crowd funding platform in India curating creativity, Abhinav said.

Sanjeev who met the founders-- Abhinav Sree, Ashwin Nath, Chief Technical Officer, Dhanya Johnson, Director Art and Rakesh Chief Marketing officer fell in love with the vision and agreed to join the team as Director of Music.

The startup has taken wings in a 200-year-old warehouse in the once spice rich Mattancherry area, and houses a fully sophisticated recording studio, which is their creative hub, an Art gallery and a cafe. Live performances are also held.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/rHOFq4ULQDI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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